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Hockey helmet – most important part of your safety on a hockey field

Hockey is a fast and dangerous sport. With a lot of power involved, one might get injured pretty easily by crashing in other players or falling down during the fast play. Head injuries are one of the most common injuries in any sport and hockey is no different. A hockey player can get a concussion  or any other head injury pretty easily. There are hardly any professional hockey players, who can say, that they’ve never had a head injury.

Why do we need helmets

These injuries would be much more critical if hockey players wouldn't have helmets. Hockey helmet is what protects a player from fractured skull or more serious concussions. A hockey puck often travels at speed above 100 km/h, you wouldn't want to get in its way with your head, without having any protection. A player should never be on a hockey field without a helmet and everybody abides by this rule, that’s why having a good hockey helmet that both fits you and is of good quality, is vitally important.

What to consider

Our selection includes a variety of helmets to fit all sizes and necessities. Designs of the helmets are generally the same, but some aspects might differ slightly, like the inner material or the thickness of a helmet. These details affect how heavy the helmet is, therefore also affecting the comfort of whoever is wearing it. All the helmets are safe and good protection for your head, so the only thing you have to worry about is picking the best one for yourself.

There are two size configurations in our shop for younger and older players. Moreover, helmets are available in all sizes from XS to XL. Helmets are always adjustable, so if you can’t find the perfect size for yourself, the best way is to pick the most suitable one and adjust. Most important this is that it fits on your head and does not move around without the lower adjusting strap being too tight on your neck.

Helmets come in different colors. While all the ice hockey helmets you see on our homepage are black, most of them come in different colors as well. To date we have 14 different colors available, but the stock is always being updated. Colors range from white to black with everything in between, so you will be able to find a helmet that fits your team color or just your favorite color.

Branding is important, as it affects the quality of the product. All products we sell in our hockey store are of top quality, so you don’t have to worry that a cheaper helmet is less safe than a more expensive one. We offer hockey helmets of most popular hockey gear manufacturers like Bauer, CCM, Mission and Warrior with some accessories from Hejduk.

What else can you find here

Other than regular skate helmets, there are options to buy caged helmets as well. These are mandatory to a certain age and might be mandatory for female players as well, although these rules differ from country to country. The selection for caged helmets can be found under Hockey Helmet Combo section. Caged helmets are generally the same models that we offer as regular helmets, but with a cage included. Same size, brand and color choice applies to these helmets as well.

In our Visors and Cages section, you can find an additional visor or a cage to fit your helmet. If yours is damaged, you don’t have to buy a new helmet, you can just buy these parts instead and replace them. Visors come in two types – regular and full. Regular size is like having sunglasses on your helmet, while full visor is more like a cage. We also offer different cages for your helmet, so you can buy an additional one or replace an old one.

For all maintenance needs, we have added a listing of helmet accessories. These include both products to make your helmet more comfortable and safer. Here you can find a lot of screws, spacers, straps and replacement parts for your helmet. If anything is broken or missing on your helmet, you can try to repair it with the parts from this section.