Training Systems

Training Systems

Training Systems
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Hockey training stations from Hockey Revolution provide a comprehensive training solution for players looking to improve their skills and performance. The training stations include various tools and aids designed to target specific aspects of a player's game, such as stickhandling, shooting, and balance. Here's a breakdown of the different training aids included in the Hockey Revolution training stations:

  1. Stickhandling: Hockey Revolution's stickhandling training aids, such as the MY ENEMY PRO and MY PUZZLE SYSTEMS, are designed to help players develop better puck control, hand-eye coordination, and overall stickhandling skills. These aids can be combined and customized to create various training scenarios that challenge players to improve their dexterity and agility.

  2. Puzzle Systems: The MY PUZZLE SYSTEMS dryland flooring tiles from Hockey Revolution are designed to provide a smooth, ice-like surface for off-ice training. They can be easily connected to create a customized training area, allowing players to practice stickhandling, shooting, and passing.

  3. Shooter Tutor: The MY TARGET PRO shooter tutor is a useful tool for improving shooting accuracy and power. The durable shooting tarp attaches to a goal and features target areas to challenge players to hit specific spots and refine their shooting skills.

  4. Stick Weight: The MY WEIGHT stick weight from Hockey Revolution is designed to be attached to a player's hockey stick, increasing resistance during training. This added weight helps players build strength and improve their shooting and stickhandling skills.

  5. Balance Boards: Hockey Revolution's MY BALANCE balance boards help players develop core strength, balance, and stability. Incorporating balance boards into off-ice training sessions can enhance a player's on-ice performance.

  6. Massage Roll: The MY ROLL massage roller is a versatile tool for muscle recovery and flexibility. Using the massage roll as part of a player's training routine can help relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and prevent injuries.

  7. Resistance Bands: Hockey Revolution's MY BANDS resistance bands help players build strength, speed, and endurance. Incorporating resistance training into a player's routine can increase overall athleticism and on-ice performance.

  8. Massage Ball: The MY BALL massage ball is designed to target tight muscles and relieve tension. Using the massage ball as part of a player's recovery routine can help improve flexibility and prevent injuries.

By incorporating these Hockey Revolution training aids into a comprehensive training station, players can work on multiple aspects of their game simultaneously, from stickhandling and shooting to balance and recovery. This holistic approach to training can significantly improve a player's performance during on-ice sessions.